Correction: Cognitive enrichment through art: a randomized controlled trial on the effect of music or visual arts group practice on cognitive and brain development of young children
BMC Complement Med Ther. 2024 May 28;24(1):206.
doi: 10.1186/s12906-024-04504-3.
1 Geneva School of Health Sciences, Geneva Musical Minds lab (GEMMI lab), University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland HES-SO, Avenue de Champel 47, Geneva, 1206, Switzerland.
2 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva, Boulevard Carl‑Vogt 101, Geneva, 1205, Switzerland.
3 Geneva School of Health Sciences, Geneva Musical Minds lab (GEMMI lab), University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland HES-SO, Avenue de Champel 47, Geneva, 1206, Switzerland.
4 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva, Boulevard Carl‑Vogt 101, Geneva, 1205, Switzerland.
5 Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Gerontology and Vulnerability, University of Geneva, Chemin de Pinchat 22, Carouge (Genève), 1227, Switzerland.
6 CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, Cognitive and Affective Neuroimaging section, University of Geneva, Geneva, 1211, Switzerland.