Crystallography is a quintessential method for determining the atomic structure of crystals. The most common implementation of crystallography uses single crystals that must be of sufficient size, typically tens of micrometres or larger, depending on the complexity of the crystal structure. The emergence of serial data-collection methods in crystallography, particularly for time-resolved experiments, opens up opportunities to develop new routes to structure determination for nanocrystals and ensembles of crystals. Fluctuation X-ray scattering is a correlation-based approach for single-particle imaging from ensembles of identical particles, but has yet to be applied to crystal structure determination. Here, an iterative algorithm is presented that recovers crystal structure-factor intensities from fluctuation X-ray scattering correlations. The capabilities of this algorithm are demonstrated by recovering the structure of three small-molecule crystals and a protein crystal from simulated fluctuation X-ray scattering correlations. This method could facilitate the recovery of structure-factor intensities from crystals in serial crystallography experiments and relax sample requirements for crystallography experiments.
Keywords: Bragg peak intensity; X-ray cross-correlation analysis; correlated fluctuations; fluctuation X-ray scattering; iterative projection algorithms; molecular crystals; serial crystallography; structure-factor intensities.
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