Finding a job can be hard for autistic adults. No studies have been completed that look into whether having difficulties learning and troubles finding a job are related in this population. The current study did so by evaluating the Learning Needs Screening Tool, a measure of learning challenges used in vocational rehabilitation settings, or places meant to help people find work. A total of 401 autistic adults completed this study online. Specifically, the study evaluated (a) the characteristics of the Learning Needs Screening Tool, including the relationships between questions that ask about similar learning challenges, and (b) the ability of the measure to relate to real-world outcomes that are associated with learning difficulties, namely prior special education receipt and difficulties finding a job. Evaluation of the questions asked on the Learning Needs Screening Tool revealed that they were highly related and that learning difficulties fell into different categories. Fifty-six percent of the people in the study showed learning challenges on the measure. People who were identified as having learning difficulties on the Learning Needs Screening Tool had higher rates of receiving special education services in the past and lower rates of current employment. These results suggest that the Learning Needs Screening Tool may help to identify autistic job seekers who have learning difficulties and may have more challenges finding a job.
Keywords: adult; autism spectrum disorders; cognition (attention; learning; memory); vocational/labor force participation.