Clarifying the appropriate application rates of N, P, and K fertilizers and the physiological mechanisms of wheat under water-saving recharge irrigation in the North China Plain would provide a theoretical basis for formulating reasonable fertilization plans for high-yield and high-efficiency wheat production. We established four treatments with different amounts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5), and potassium (K2O) application: 0, 0, and 0 kg·hm-2 (F0), 180, 75, and 60 kg·hm-2 (F1), 225, 120, and 105 kg·hm-2 (F2), and 270, 165, and 150 kg·hm-2 (F3). During the jointing and anthesis stages of wheat, the relative water content of each treatment in the 0-40 cm soil layer was replenished to 70%, to investigate the differences in wheat flag leaf photosynthetic characteristics, distribution of 13C assimilates, grain starch accumulation, and fertilizer utilization. The results showed that the relative chlorophyll content of flag leaves, photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, 13C assimilate allocation in each organ, enzyme activities involved in starch synthesis, and starch accumulation in the F1 treatment were significantly higher than that in F0 treatment, which was an important physiological basis for the 20.9% increase in grain yield. The above parameters and yield in the F2 and F3 treatments showed no significant increase compared to F1 treatment, while fertilizer productivity and agronomic efficiency of N, P, and K decreased by 17.5%-58.4% and 12.7%-50.7%, respectively. Therefore, F1 could promote flag leaf photosynthetic assimilate production and grain starch accumulation under water-saving supplementary irrigation conditions, resulting in higher grain yield and fertilizer utilization efficiency.
探明节水补灌下华北平原小麦生产中氮磷钾肥的适宜施用量及其生理机制,可为小麦高产高效生产中制定合理的施肥方案提供理论依据。本研究设置4个氮(N)磷(P2O5)钾(K2O)施用量,分别为:0、0、0 kg·hm-2(F0),180、75、60 kg·hm-2(F1),225、120、105 kg·hm-2(F2),270、165、150 kg·hm-2(F3),各处理均于小麦拔节期和开花期将0~40 cm土层土壤相对含水量补灌至70%,研究小麦旗叶光合能力、13C同化物分配、籽粒淀粉积累和肥料利用的差异。结果表明: F1处理的小麦旗叶叶绿素相对含量、光合和叶绿素荧光参数、13C同化物在各器官的分配量以及籽粒淀粉合成相关酶活性、淀粉积累量均显著高于F0,是其籽粒产量比F0提高20.9%的重要生理基础。F2和F3处理上述指标及产量与F1处理相比无显著增加,但肥料(氮/磷/钾)偏生产力和农学效率分别降低了17.5%~58.4%和12.7%~50.7%。综上,本试验在节水补灌条件下,F1能够促进小麦旗叶光合同化物生产和籽粒淀粉积累,获得了较高的籽粒产量和肥料利用率。.
Keywords: 13C assimilate distribution; application rate of N, P, K fertilizers; ferti-lizer utilization; starch accumulation; wheat.