The simultaneous treatment of static and dynamic correlations in strongly correlated electron systems is a critical challenge. In particular, finding a universal scheme for identifying a single-particle orbital basis that minimizes the representational complexity of the many-body wave function is a formidable and longstanding problem. As a contribution toward its solution, we show that the total orbital correlation actually reveals and quantifies the intrinsic complexity of the wave function, once it is minimized via orbital rotations. To demonstrate the power of this concept in practice, an iterative scheme is proposed to optimize the orbitals by minimizing the total orbital correlation calculated by the tailored coupled cluster singles and doubles (TCCSD) ansatz. The optimized orbitals enable the limited TCCSD ansatz to capture more nontrivial information on the many-body wave function, indicated by the improved wave function and energy. An initial application of this scheme shows great improvement of TCCSD in predicting the singlet ground state potential energy curves of the strongly correlated C2 and Cr2 molecule.