Prolonged exposure to lead has been recognized as harmful to human health as it may cause neurotoxic effects including mitochondrial damage, apoptosis, excitotoxicity, and myelin formation alterations, among others. Numerous data have shown that consuming olive oil and its valuable components could reduce neurotoxicity and degenerative conditions. Olive oil is traditionally obtained from olive trees; this plant (Olea europaea L.) is an evergreen fruit tree.In this manuscript, two extracts have been used and compared: the extract from the leaves of Olea europaea L. (OE) and the extract derived from OE but with a further sonication process (s-OE). Therefore, the objectives of this experimental work were as follows: 1) to generate an innovative extract; 2) to test both extracts on a model of neurotoxicity of human neurons induced following lead exposure; and 3) to study the mechanisms behind lead-induced neurotoxicity.The results showed that the mechanism involved in the neurotoxicity of lead included dysfunction of the cellular endoplasmic reticulum, which suffered oxidative damage. In addition, in all experiments, s-OE was more effective than OE, having greater and better effects against lead-induced damage and being dissolved in a smaller amount of EtOH, which promotes its sustainability.
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