Objectives: To examine the associated risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasm grade 3+ (CIN3+) lesions in patients with AGC and extensive human papillomavirus (HPV) genotyping.
Methods: Cases with atypical glandular cell (AGC) interpretation on a Papanicolaou (Pap) test were identified along with associated extensive HPV genotyping and histologic follow-up results.
Results: Within this cohort of 469,694 Pap tests, 0.4% were diagnosed as AGCs. In total, 1267 cases had concurrent high-risk HPV (hrHPV) genotyping, and 40.3% were hrHPV positive. The percentage of AGC cases with cervical CIN3+ on histologic follow-up was 52.2% when hrHPV was positive, whereas it was 4.9% with a negative hrHPV result. The top 5 hrHPV genotypes associated with cervical CIN3+ in this cohort were HPV16, HPV18, HPV58, HPV52, and HPV33. Indeed, 92.8% of the hrHPV-associated CIN3+ lesions identified in this cohort were positive for at least one of these HPV genotypes. The sensitivity of detecting cervical CIN3+ lesions was 85.6% with the top 5 hrHPV genotypes (HPV16/18/58/52/33) and only increased to 89.0% when the additional 12 genotypes were included.
Conclusions: In patients with an AGC Pap, the risk of having a cervical CIN3+ lesion is greatly increased by positivity for hrHPV types 16, 18, 58, 52, and/or 33. Incorporating comprehensive HPV genotyping into AGC cytology allows for refined risk stratification and more tailored management strategies.
Keywords: HPV genotyping; Pap test; atypical glandular cells; cervical cancer; human papillomavirus; screening.
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