In the last two decades, there has been an explosion of scholarship in the phenomenology of health and illness of great practical significance for clinicians and the allied health professions. 'Healing' has been distinguished from medical 'cure' insofar as it involves a process of existential re-integration even in the face of ongoing illness and incapacity. This article goes further than much existing literature in the field: it examines ways in which illness can trigger for some 'transformational healing'-that is, not simply a return to previous functioning, but positive alterations that open one's life to enhanced fulfilment, authenticity and/or connection. Using philosophical resources and 'pathographies', first-person accounts of illness and healing, we examine six forms, often interconnected, of transformational healing. These involve, in turn: vulnerability, intimacy, resilience, presence, gratitude and transcendence In placing a spotlight on ways in which serious illness, injury and disability can inform positive transformations, we are not minimising the suffering often associated with such conditions. Nonetheless, many individuals experience life-enhancements despite, or even because of, the effects of suffering which can reveal personal strengths, deepened intimacy with others and heightened appreciation of life. The possibility of transformational healing, while far from a universal experience, has personal, philosophical and clinical significance not to be overlooked.
Keywords: Medical humanities; medical ethics/bioethics; narrative medicine; patient narratives; philosophy of medicine/health care.
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