The desire to reach ever-diminishing lower limits of quantification (LLOQ) to probe changes in low abundance protein targets has led to enormous progress in sample preparation and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) instrumentation. To maximize signal and reduce noise, many approaches have been employed, including specific immunoaffinity (IA) enrichment and reducing the LC flow to the nanoflow (nLC) level; however, additional sensitivity gains may still be required. Recently, a technique termed "echo summing" has been described for small-molecular-weight analytes on a triple quadrupole (QqQ) MS where multiple iterations of the same, single selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transition are collected, summed, and integrated, yielding significant analyte dependent signal-to-noise (S/N) improvements. Herein, the direct applicability of echo summing to protein quantification by sequential IA combined with nLC-MS/MS (IA-nLC-MS/MS) is described for a beta nerve growth factor (NGF) and a soluble asialoglycoprotein receptor (sASGPR) assay from human serum. Five iterations of echo summing outperformed traditional collection in relative average accuracy (-1.5 ± 7.7 vs -41.7 ± 10.7% bias) and precision (7.8 vs 18.4% coefficient of variation (CV)) of the low-end quality control (QC) sample (N = 4) for NGF and improved functional sensitivity of serially diluted serum QC samples (N = 5 each population) approximately 2-fold (1.96 and 2.00-fold) for two peptides of sASGPR. Echo summing also extended the minimum quantifiable QC level for sASGPR 4-fold lower. Similar gains are believed to be achievable for most protein IA-nLC-MS/MS assays.