Predation risk is one of the most important factors generating behavioral differences among populations. In addition, recent attention focusses on predation as a potential driver of patterns of individual behavioral variation within prey populations. Previous studies provide mixed results, reporting either increased or decreased among-individual variation in response to risk. Here, we take an explicit developmental approach to documenting how among-individual variation develops over time in response to predator exposure, controlling for both genetic and experiential differences among individuals. We reared juveniles of naturally clonal Amazon mollies, Poecilia formosa, either with or without a predator visible during feedings over 4 weeks and analyzed activity during feedings, time spent feeding and number of visits to the feeding spot. (I) Predator-exposed fish did not differ from control fish in average feeding behavior, but they were less active during feeding trials. (II) In the absence of the predator, substantial changes in among-individual variation over time were detected: among-individual differences in feeding duration increased whereas differences in activity decreased, but there were no changes in feeder visits. In contrast, in the presence of a predator, among-individual variation in all three behaviors was stable over time and often lower compared to control conditions. Our work suggests that predation risk may have an overall stabilizing effect on the development of individual variation and that differences in predation risk may well lead to population-wide differences in among-individual behavioral variation.
© 2024. The Author(s).