Strategies to improve cardiovascular health and treatment of dyslipidemia in Spain. Expert Insights Project

Clin Investig Arterioscler. 2024 Sep 19:S0214-9168(24)00087-1. doi: 10.1016/j.arteri.2024.08.007. Online ahead of print.
[Article in English, Spanish]


Objectives: To gather opinions, recommendations, and proposals for improvement from Spanish clinicians on cardiovascular (CV) health, with particular focus on dyslipidemia management.

Methods: The Expert Insights project involved 8face-to-face sessions held throughout Spain, attended by 138 CV health experts. Clinicians answered to 25 questions survey related to CV health and dyslipidemia control. Each session included an analysis and a discussion on the perceived realities and areas for improvement.

Results: 72% of centers have a standardized process for monitoring patients after a CV episode at discharge, but only 37% during their clinical follow-up. Patient care and management are dependent on the physician, with a lack of coordination between hospital specialties and primary care (PC). 95% of clinicians believe it is necessary to standarize treatment optimization. 65% of centers prescribe combined lipid-lowering treatment after a CV episode. Updating cLDL levels in the Therapeutic Positioning Report and standardizing and globalizing the prescription document would reduce iPCSK9 prescription barriers and lead to more equitable access.

Conclusions: In Spain, there are significant deficiencies in the management of dyslipidemia, with a great need for a consensus on standardizing management processes and optimizing patient treatment. The opinions, recommendations, and improvement proposals from Spanish clinicians on CV health are an important starting point to improve the situation.

Keywords: Cardiovascular health; Colesterol LDL; Control lipídico; Dislipidemias; Dyslipidemia; Fármacos hipolipidemiantes; LDL cholesterol; Lipid control; Lipid-lowering drugs; Proposals for improvement; Propuestas de mejora; Salud cardiovascular.