There are no approved therapeutics for psychostimulant use and recurrence of psychostimulant use. However, in preclinical rodent models environmental enrichment can decrease psychostimulant self-administration of low unit doses and cue-induced amphetamine seeking. We have previously demonstrated that glutamate-dependent therapeutics are able to alter amphetamine seeking to amphetamine-associated cues only in enriched rats. In the current experiment, we will determine if enrichment can attenuate responding and cue-induced amphetamine seeking during extended access to a high dose of intravenous amphetamine. We will also determine if N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a glutamate dependent therapeutic, can attenuate amphetamine seeking in differentially reared rats. Female and male Sprague-Dawley rats were reared in enriched, isolated, or standard conditions from postnatal day 21-51. Rats were trained to self-administer intravenous amphetamine (0.1 mg/kg/infusion) during twelve 6-hour sessions. During the abstinence period, NAC (100 mg/kg) or saline was administered daily. Following a cue-induced amphetamine-seeking test, astrocyte densities within regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and nucleus accumbens (ACb) were quantified using immunohistochemistry. Environmental enrichment decreased responding for amphetamine and during the cue-induced amphetamine-seeking test. NAC did not attenuate cue-induced amphetamine seeking or alter astrocyte density. Across all groups, female rats self-administered less amphetamine but responded more during cue-induced amphetamine seeking than male rats. While amphetamine increased astrocyte densities within the ACb and mPFC, it did not alter mPFC astrocyte densities in female rats. The results suggest that enrichment can attenuate responding during extended access to a high dose of amphetamine and the associated cues. Sex alters amphetamine-induced changes to astrocyte densities in a regionally specific matter.
Keywords: Amphetamine; Amphetamine seeking; Differential rearing; Environmental enrichment; GFAP; Sex differences.
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