Heterogeneity of study samples is ubiquitous in animal experiments. Here, we discuss the different options of how to deal with heterogeneity in the statistical analysis of a single experiment. Specifically, data from different sub-groups (e.g. sex, strain, age cohorts) may be analysed separately, heterogenization factors may be ignored and data pooled for analysis, or heterogenization factors may be included as additional variables in the statistical model. The cost of ignoring a heterogenization factor is an inflated estimate of the variance and a consequent loss of statistical power. Therefore, it is usually preferable to include the heterogenization factor in the statistical model, especially if the heterogenization factor has been introduced intentionally (e.g. using both sexes). If heterogenization factors are included, they can be treated either as fixed factors in an analysis of variance design or sometimes as random effects in mixed effects regression models. Finally, for an appropriate sample size estimation, it is necessary to decide whether to treat heterogenization factors as nuisance variables, or whether the experiment should be powered to be able to detect not only the main effect of the treatment but also interactions between heterogenization factors and the treatment variable.
Keywords: Variation; covariate; grouping factor; nuisance variable; study design.