Finite-size systems of a Kuramoto model display intricate dynamics, especially in the presence of multi-stability where both coherent and incoherent states coexist. We investigate such a scenario in globally coupled populations of Kuramoto phase oscillators with higher-order interactions and observe that fluctuations inherent to finite-size systems drive the transition to the synchronized state before the critical point in the thermodynamic limit. Using numerical methods, we plot the first exit-time distribution of the magnitude of a complex order parameter and obtain numerical transition probabilities across various system sizes. Furthermore, we extend this study to a two-population oscillator system, and, using the velocity field of the associated order parameters, show the emergence of a new fixed point corresponding to a partially synchronized state arising due to the finite-size effect, which is absent in the thermodynamics limit.
© 2024 Author(s). Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.