Animals have evolved innate responses to cues including social, food, and predator odors. In the natural environment, animals are faced with choices that involve balancing risk and reward where innate significance may be at odds with internal need. The ability to update the value of a cue through learning is essential for navigating changing and uncertain environments. However, the mechanisms involved in this modulation are not well defined in mammals. We have established a new olfactory assay that challenges a thirsty mouse to choose an aversive odor over an attractive odor in foraging for water, thus overriding their innate behavioral response to odor. Innately, mice prefer the attractive odor port over the aversive odor port. However, decreasing the probability of water at the attractive port leads mice to prefer the aversive port, reflecting a learned override of the innate response to the odors. The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is a fourth-order olfactory brain area, involved in flexible value association, with behaviorally relevant outputs throughout the limbic system. We performed optogenetic and chemogenetic silencing experiments that demonstrate the OFC is necessary for this learned modulation of innate aversion to odor. Further, we characterized odor evoked c-fos expression in learned and control mice and found significant suppression of activity in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral septum, and central and medial amygdala. These findings reveal that the OFC is necessary for the learned override of innate behavior and may signal to limbic structures to modulate innate response to odor.
Keywords: aversion; innate; olfactory; orbitofrontal.
Copyright © 2024 Miyamoto et al.