gp130 functions as a shared signal-transducing subunit not only for interleukin (IL)-6 but also for eight other human cytokine receptor complexes. The IL-6 signaling pathway mediated through gp130 encompasses classical, trans, or cluster signaling, intricately regulated by a diverse array of modulators affecting IL-6, its receptor, and gp130. Currently, only a limited number of small molecule antagonists and agonists for gp130 are known. This review aims to comprehensively examine the current knowledge of these modulators and provide insights into their pharmacological properties, particularly in the context of cancer and other diseases. Notably, the prominent gp130 modulators SC144, bazedoxifene, and raloxifene are discussed in detail, with a specific focus on the discovery of SC144's iron-chelating properties. This adds a new dimension to the understanding of its pharmacological effects and therapeutic potential in conditions where iron homeostasis is significant. Our bioinformatic analysis of gp130 and genes related to iron homeostasis reveals insightful correlations, implicating the role of iron in the gp130 signaling pathway. Overall, this review contributes to the evolving understanding of gp130 modulation and its potential therapeutic applications in various disease contexts. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: This perspective provides a timely and comprehensive analysis of advancements in gp130 signaling research, emphasizing the therapeutic implications of the currently available modulators. Bioinformatic analysis demonstrates potential interplay between gp130 and genes that regulate iron homeostasis, suggesting new therapeutic avenues. By combining original research findings with a broader discussion of gp130's therapeutic potential, this perspective significantly contributes to the field.
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