Upgraded front ends for SLS 2.0 with next-generation high-power diaphragms and slits

J Synchrotron Radiat. 2024 Nov 1;31(Pt 6):1582-1592. doi: 10.1107/S160057752400907X. Epub 2024 Oct 22.


The upgrade of the Swiss Light Source, called SLS 2.0, necessitates comprehensive updates to all 18 user front ends. This upgrade is driven by the increased power of the synchrotron beam, reduced floor space, changing source points, new safety regulations and enhanced beam properties, including a brightness increase by up to a factor of 40. While some existing front-end components are being thoroughly refurbished and upgraded for safety reasons, other components, especially those designed to tailor the new synchrotron beam, are being completely rebuilt. These new designs feature innovative and enhanced cooling systems to manage the high-power load and meet new requirements such as mechanical stability and compact footprints.

Keywords: SLS 2.0; X-ray beam position monitors; beam mask; compact footprint; diaphragm; front end; high-power load; high-power slits; photon beamlines; photon shutter; synchrotron upgrade; vacuum window.