Sequential Reactions of Acetylene with the Benzonitrile Radical Cation: New Insights into Structures and Rate Coefficients of the Covalent Ion Products

J Phys Chem Lett. 2024 Nov 7;15(44):11067-11076. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02496. Epub 2024 Oct 29.


Benzonitrile radical cations generated in ionizing environments such as solar nebulae and interstellar clouds can react with neutral molecules such as acetylene to form a variety of nitrogen-containing complex organics. Herein, we present results from mass-selected ion mobility experiments and coupled-cluster and DFT calculations for the sequential reactions of acetylene with the benzonitrile radical cation (C7NH5+•). The results reveal the formation of two covalently bonded adduct ions C9NH7+• and C11NH9+• with individual rate coefficients of 2.1(±0.4) × 10-11 cm3 s-1 and 1.1(±0.9) × 10-11 cm3 s-1, respectively measured at 334.5 K. The direct addition of acetylene onto the N atom of the benzonitrile cation results in the formation of a N-acetylene-benzonitrile+• radical cation with a calculated collision cross-section of 67.5 Å2 in perfect agreement with the measured cross-section of 67.5 Å2 of the C9NH7+• adduct. The measured collision cross-section of the second covalent adduct C11NH9+• (72.2 Å2) is also in excellent agreement with the calculated cross-section (71.2 Å2) of the lowest energy isomer of the C11NH9+• ion corresponding to the 2-phenylpyridine structure. The formation of the bicyclic 2-phenylpyridine radical cation is explained by the rapid conversion of the classical radical cation C11NH9+• into a distonic ion structure that can efficiently cyclize in an exothermic transformation to form the 2-phenylpyridine radical cation. This intriguing mechanism could explain the formation of N-containing complex organics in different regions of outer space. The current results are expected to have direct implications for the search for nitrogen-containing complex organics in space.