Identification of a non-canonical planar cell polarity pathway triggered by light in the developing mouse retina

Dev Cell. 2024 Nov 15:S1534-5807(24)00631-2. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.10.012. Online ahead of print.


The coordinated spatial arrangement of organelles within a tissue plane, known as planar cell polarity (PCP), is critical for organ development and function. Gradients of morphogens and their receptors typically set-up PCP, but whether non-molecular cues, akin to phototropism in plants, also play a part remains unknown. Here, we report that basal bodies of newborn photoreceptor cells in the mouse retina are positioned centrally on the apical surface but then move laterally during the first postnatal week, generating cell-intrinsic asymmetry in the retinal plane. After 1 week, when the eyes open, basal bodies of cone cilia, but not rods, become coordinated across the plane to face the center of the retina. We further show that light is essential for cone PCP, triggering a cascade in which cone transducin interacts with the G-protein-signaling modulator protein 2 (GPSM2) to establish PCP. This work identifies a non-canonical PCP pathway initiated by light.

Keywords: G proteins; cell biology; photoreceptors; planar cell polarity; retina, morphogenesis; transducing.