The interpeduncular nucleus of the rat is a complex structure, displaying diverse immunocytochemical and ultrastructural features. This nucleus contains opiate receptors, enkephalin-positive cell bodies and enkephalin-positive fibers. The ultrastructure of rat interpeduncular enkephalinergic neurons has not been described, nor has the role that these neurons play in the internal organization of the interpeduncular nucleus been established. The purpose of the present study was to describe the ultrastructure of enkephalinlike-immunoreactive (ELI) cells with particular emphasis on the subnuclear organization of their dendritic and terminal fields. Enkephalinlike-immunoreactive (ELI) cell bodies are present in the rostral and apical subnuclei of the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN), but are absent from the other subnuclei of the IPN. The rostral subnucleus also contains immunoreactive dendrites that are postsynaptic to nonreactive terminal boutons. Numerous ELI axon terminals were observed in the central and intermediate subnuclei. The results of our study suggest that enkephalinergic interneurons link the rostral IPN with more caudal regions of this nucleus.