A mobile double-suspension technology for single-port D2 distal gastrectomy: A technical note with video vignette

Asian J Surg. 2024 Nov 29:S1015-9584(24)02725-8. doi: 10.1016/j.asjsur.2024.11.098. Online ahead of print.


Technique: The single-incision laparoscopic gastrectomy(SILG) for gastric cancer is challenging due to limited surgical fields. Thus, we have developed a novel, moble suspension technique for single-port D2 distal gastrectomy. This method was applied in our center and the surgical procedure which presented in this study is accompanied by a video for a more detailed understanding.

Results: Following the optimized "6 + 4 + 1" procedure, the SILG proceeded uneventfully with the help of suspension technique. During the surgical exploration, the key anatomical site could be identified and isolated precisely due to enlarged operative fields exposure. The patient was able to resume oral intake on the third postoperative day and there was no evident postoperative complications, leading to his discharge.

Conclusion: The mobile suspension technique can effectively help expose the surgical field, especically in single-incision laparoscopic surgery.

Keywords: Distal D2 gastrectomy; Moblie suspension technique; Single-incision laparoscopic.