Soil attributes and leaf litter composition in forest communities of the Brazilian Pantanal

An Acad Bras Cienc. 2024 Dec 2;96(suppl 3):e20240709. doi: 10.1590/0001-3765202420240709. eCollection 2024.


Leaf litter is an important component related to nutrient cycling and conservation of soil biodiversity. In this context, the objective of our study was to investigate the relationship between soil and leaf litter in different forest communities in sub-regions of the Pantanal (Nhecolândia and Abobral/Miranda). To this end, we collected soil and leaf litter samples from 152 sample plots divided in physiognomies regionally called as Cordilheira, Capão, Murundu, Corixo and Cambará/Canjiqueira forest. In the laboratory, analytical determinations were conducted for 22 soil attributes and 11 elements of the chemical composition of the leaf litter. The forest communities showed a great well-defined edaphic gradient encompassing environments with high natural fertility soils (Capão and Cordilheira Abobral/Miranda), acidic soils with a high proportion of soluble Al3+ (Cambará/Canjiqueira, and Corixo), and poorly developed soils with a predominantly sandy texture (Nhecolândia region, Cordilheira and Murundu). Soil attributes are significantly related to the chemical composition of litter, as indicated by correlations between N, P, Ca, Mg, Mn and the C/N ratio with physical, chemical and soil organic matter attributes. This study revealed the interaction of soils with the chemical composition of litter, constituting an ecosystem service, in forest communities in the Brazilian Pantanal.

MeSH terms

  • Biodiversity
  • Brazil
  • Forests*
  • Plant Leaves* / chemistry
  • Soil* / chemistry


  • Soil