This Research Communication set out to (1) evaluate the behaviour and performance of dairy calves raised on pasture individually or in groups, and (2) evaluate the influence of physical enrichment on the behaviour and performance of dairy calves raised in groups on pasture. Although there was no difference in grazing behaviour when housed in groups, calves spent longer eating concentrate, ruminating and drinking water. Additionaly, calves housed individually spend part of their time trying to get close to a neighbouring calf. When available, the brush was the physical enrichment item most used by calves followed by straw-man and ball. Pasture access may allow calves to exhibit their highly motivated natural behaviours such as grazing and rumination. Furthermore, social housing provides dairy calves an opportunity for social bonding. Thus, social housing with free access to pasture areas could be an alternative in tropical regions to the typical individual rearing system used in intensive dairy farming.
Keywords: Animal behaviour; animal breeding; animal welfare; calf.