Mentor-Mentee relationship in Medicine: How to develop trust?

Pak J Med Sci. 2024 Dec;40(11):2748-2751. doi: 10.12669/pjms.40.11.9372.


A mentor-mentee relationship, also known as a mentoring relationship, is a professional or personal partnership in which a more experienced or knowledgeable individual (the mentor) provides guidance, support, and advice to a less experienced or knowledgeable individual (the mentee). The primary purpose of this relationship is to facilitate the mentee's personal and professional growth. Mentors typically share their expertise, wisdom, and experiences to help mentees navigate their career or personal development paths. In this qualitative exploratory study 10 mentees were interviewed and analysis was done based on their answers to find out the strengthening factors of a mentor-mentee relationship particularly focusing on the qualities and traits required to build trust. The results of this research indicate that trust among mentors and mentees could be developed by respect, confidentiality, empathy, humbleness, hard work and good communication from both sides.

Keywords: Empathy; Feedback; Importance of communication; Mentor mentee relationship; Respect; Trust.