Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a widespread disease, but usually is an underdiagnosed and undertreated public health problem. Nowadays its study is expensive. Collaboration and involvement of all specialties are necessary, also the implementation of simplified diagnostic methods to try to improve detection, increase the diagnosis and treatment ratio. In the Osona region (Barcelona), it has been developed a protocol that defines a new care process that shortens and reduces the cost of the OSA's diagnosis process. This new care process also favors better knowledge of the pathology of OSA by all the specialists involved, resulting in an increase in community health, in addition to generating knowledge. This new care process could be implemented in other health areas around all the country and it would improve the management of this pathology and improve national community health.
Keywords: Apnea obstructiva del sueño; Atención Primaria; Diagnosis; Diagnóstico; Healthcare Models; Modelos de atención de salud; Polisomnografía; Polisomnography; Primary Care; Sleep Apnea; Tratamiento; Treatment.
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