Fatigue plays a critical role in sports science, significantly affecting recovery, training effectiveness, and overall athletic performance. Understanding and predicting fatigue is essential to optimize training, prevent overtraining, and minimize the risk of injuries. The aim of this study is to leverage Human Activity Recognition (HAR) through deep learning methods for dimensionality reduction. The use of Adversarial AutoEncoders (AAEs) is explored to assess and visualize fatigue in a two-dimensional latent space, focusing on both semi-supervised and conditional approaches. By transforming complex time-series data into this latent space, the objective is to evaluate motor changes associated with fatigue within the participants' motor control by analyzing shifts in the distribution of data points and providing a visual representation of these effects. It is hypothesized that increased fatigue will cause significant changes in point distribution, which will be analyzed using clustering techniques to identify fatigue-related patterns. The data were collected using a Wii Balance Board and three Inertial Measurement Units, which were placed on the hip and both forearms (distal part, close to the wrist) to capture dynamic and kinematic information. The participants followed a fatigue-inducing protocol that involved repeating sets of 10 repetitions of four different exercises (Squat, Right Lunge, Left Lunge, and Plank Jump) until exhaustion. Our findings indicate that the AAE models are effective in reducing data dimensionality, allowing for the visualization of fatigue's impact within a 2D latent space. The latent space representation provides insights into motor control variations, revealing patterns that can be used to monitor fatigue levels and optimize training or rehabilitation programs.
Keywords: adversarial autoencoder; deep learning; fatigue; ground reaction force; human activity recognition; inertial measurement unit.