Cell-free gene expression (CFE) systems empower synthetic biologists to build biological molecules and processes outside of living intact cells. The foundational principle is that precise, complex biomolecular transformations can be conducted in purified enzyme or crude cell lysate systems. This concept circumvents mechanisms that have evolved to facilitate species survival, bypasses limitations on molecular transport across the cell wall, and provides a significant departure from traditional, cell-based processes that rely on microscopic cellular "reactors." In addition, cell-free systems are inherently distributable through freeze-drying, which allows simple distribution before rehydration at the point-of-use. Furthermore, as cell-free systems are nonliving, they provide built-in safeguards for biocontainment without the constraints attendant on genetically modified organisms. These features have led to a significant increase in the development and use of CFE systems over the past two decades. Here, we discuss recent advances in CFE systems and highlight how they are transforming efforts to build cells, control genetic networks, and manufacture biobased products.