Mechanism of LDH and IL-8 involved in pancreatic cancer pain and the correlation of pain degree

J Med Biochem. 2024 Sep 6;43(5):664-670. doi: 10.5937/jomb0-48160.


Background: This research aimed to observe the mechanism of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and interleukin 8 (IL8) in pancreatic cancer pain and their correlation with pain degree.

Methods: 126 patients with pancreatic cancer who visited our hospital from January 2021 to February 2023 were selected. The patients were divided into groups of 58 patients with low pain (1~3 points) and 68 patients with high pain (4~10 points) by visual analog scale (VAS). And 50 health examinees in the same period were selected as the healthy control group. The serum LDH and IL-8 concentrations are analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and the subjective pain grading method score is analyzed. The differences in LDH and IL-8 concentrations among the three groups of patients were compared. Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the correlation between LDH, IL-8 concentrations, and patient pain. Binary logistic regression was used to determine independent risk factors for high pain, and ROC curves were used to analyze the diagnostic efficacy of each indicator.

Results: The serum LDH and IL-8 concentrations in the high-pain group were exceed the low-pain group's (P<0.05). The serum LDH and IL-8 concentrations in the low-pain group exceeded the healthy control group's (P<0.05). Pearson correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation between serum LDH concentration and pain grading (r=0.736, P=0.000). The serum IL-8 positively correlates with pain grading (r=0.680, P=0.000). Serum LDH and IL-8 concentrations positively correlate (r=0.589, P=0.000). LDH and IL-8 concentrations are independent risk factors for high pain levels (OR=1.033, 1.142, P<0.05). The logistic regression prediction model formula was used: Y=constant+B1X1+B2X2+...+BnXn to set the joint diagnostic prediction model as -12.063+ 0.033×LDH+0.133×IL-8. The areas under the ROC curves of LDH, IL-8, and predictive model (LDH+IL-8) in patients with high pain were 0.925, 0.945, and 0.974, respectively. The relevant standards for LDH are >190 U/L, IL-8 is >36 pg/mL, and the relevant standards for prediction models are >5.75.

Conclusions: LDH and IL-8 participate in the pain aggravation process of pancreatic cancer and are closely related to the pain grading. The combination of LDH and IL-8 can be used as a biological indicator to evaluate the pain severity of pancreatic cancer and provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Metode: Odabrano je 126 pacijenata sa kancerom pankreasa koji su posetili našu bolnicu od januara 2021. do februara 2023. Pacijenti su podeljeni u grupu od 58 pacijenata sa niskim bolom (1~3 poena) i grupu od 68 pacijenata sa jakim bolovima (4~10 poena) prema vizuelnoj analognoj skali (VAS). Kao kontrolna grupa odabrano je 50 zdravih ispitanika u istom periodu. Koncentracije LDH i IL-8 u serumu su analizirane enzimskim imunološkim testom, a ocenjena je i subjektivna metoda procene bola. Upoređene su razlike u koncentracijama LDH i IL-8 između tri grupe pacijenata. Pearsonova korelaciona analiza je korišćena za istraživanje veze između koncentracija LDH, IL-8 i stepena bola. Za utvrđivanje nezavisnih faktora rizika za visok bol korišćena je Binarna logistička regresija, a ROC krive su korišćene za analizu dijagnostičke efikasnosti svakog pokazatelja.

Rezultati: Koncentracije LDH i IL-8 u serumu u grupi sa visokim bolom su premašile koncentracije u grupi sa niskim bolom (P<0,05). Koncentracije LDH i IL-8 u grupi sa niskim bolom su bile više nego kod zdrave kontrolne grupe (P<0,05). Pearsonova korelaciona analiza je otkrila pozitivnu korelaciju između koncentracije LDH u serumu i ocene bola (r=0,736, P=0,000). IL-8 u serumu je u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa ocenom bola (r=0,680, P=0,000). Koncentracije LDH i IL-8 u serumu su u pozitivnoj korelaciji (r=0,589, P=0,000). LDH i IL-8 su nezavisni faktori rizika za visok stepen bola (OR=1,033, 1,142, P<0,05). Formula logističke regresije je korišćena za predviđanje modela: Y=konstanta+B1X1+B2X2+...+BnXn postavljajući zajednički dijagnostički model kao -12,063+ 0,033×LDH+0,133×IL-8. Površine ispod ROC krivih za LDH, IL-8 i prediktivni model (LDH+IL-8) kod pacijenata s visokim bolom su bile 0,925, 0,945 i 0,974, redom. Relevantni standardi za LDH su >190 U/L, za IL-8 >36 pg/mL, a za prediktivne modele su >5,75.

Zaključak: LDH i IL-8 učestvuju u procesu pogoršanja bola kod kancera pankreasa i tesno su povezani sa ocenom bola. Kombinacija LDH i IL-8 se može koristiti kao biološki pokazatelj za procenu ozbiljnosti bola kod kancera pankreasa i mogu da daju referencu za kliničku dijagnozu i lečenje.

Keywords: interleukin 8; lactate dehydrogenase; mechanism; pain; pancreatic cancer.