Objective:To explore the hypothesis of "pathogen storage pool" by analyzing the local microbial community of adenoids. Methods:Under the guidance of a 70° nasal endoscope, sterile swabs were used to collect secretions from the adenoid crypts of the subjects. The samples were sent to the laboratory for DNA extraction and standard bacterial 16S full-length sequencing analysis. Results:At the species level, the top three microbial communities in adenoid crypts were Bacillus subtilis(18.78%), Fusobacterium pyogenes(11.42%), and Streptococcus pneumoniae(9.38%). Conclusion:The local microbial community of adenoids exhibits a high degree of diversity, including microbial communities from the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Our research results support the hypothesis that adenoids act as a " pathogen reservoir".
目的:通过分析腺样体局部微生物菌群,探讨“病原体储存库”假说。 方法:在70°鼻内镜引导下,用无菌拭子采集受试者腺样体隐窝内分泌物,送至实验室提取样本DNA后进行标准细菌16S全长测序分析。 结果:在物种水平上测得腺样体隐窝内排前3位的微生物菌群是多杀巴氏杆菌(18.78%),具核梭杆菌(11.42%),肺炎链球菌(9.38%)。 结论:腺样体局部微生物菌群具有高度的多样性,包含了来自口腔及消化道的微生物菌群,我们的研究结果也支持了腺样体是“病原体储存库”这一假说。.
Keywords: 16S rRNA; adenoid; microbiota.
Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.