Cardiovascular diseases, in addition to being a health problem for Chile, ranking as the second leading cause of death, also impose a significant economic burden on the country. Aiming to reduce these diseases' health and economic impact, we decided to structure a Cardiometabolic Integrated Practice Unit (UPI) at the FUSAT Clinical Hospital. Unlike the current organization of healthcare systems in Chile, a UPI is structured throughout the entire cycle of care (from promotion and prevention to rehabilitation), with a multidisciplinary team (both clinical and administrative) organized around closely related medical conditions or a set of health conditions.
Aim: This study aims to describe the process of structuring a Cardiometabolic Integrated Practice Unit (UPI) at the FUSAT Clinical Hospital.
Methodology: In this case, Porter and Lee's article was used as a basis for structuring this UPI.
Results: Based on this article, five steps were defined to organize this Cardiometabolic UPI: (1) patient selection, (2) patient stratification based on care needs, (3) patient selection and care, (4) communication strategy, and (5) definition of monitoring indicators.
Conclusion: After 6 months of collaborative work, we successfully implemented the UPI at the FUSAT Clinical Hospital. This achievement demonstrates that projects of this nature can be carried out through a defined organization and governance, a strategic definition and prioritization of objectives, and an adaptation of the methodology to the local reality. The successful implementation of the UPI inspires confidence in its potential impact on healthcare in Chile.