Intelligent systems are those in which behavior is determined by environmental inputs, and actions are taken to maximize the probability of achieving specific goals. Intelligent systems are widely applied across various fields, particularly in distributed intelligent systems. At the same time, due to the extensive interaction with user data, intelligent systems face significant challenges regarding security. This study proposes an optimized distributed key generation (DKG) scheme for identity-based cryptography (IBC) using the SM9 standard. Our scheme introduces a (t, n)-threshold system that functions without a trusted center, addressing the vulnerability of single points of failure in conventional key generation centers (KGCs). We reduce communication and computational demands by refining the Paillier share transformation protocol, ensuring efficient, centerless operations. The scheme's security, validated in the existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen identity attacks (EUF-CIA) model, demonstrates its practical applicability and enhanced security for distributed intelligent systems.
Keywords: SM9; distributed key generation; identity-based cryptography; intelligent system; share transformation protocol.