Reporting adverse events (adverse drug reactions) associated with medicines and vaccines assists with identifying previously unrecognised side effects and other safety concerns. Reporting adverse events to the Therapeutic Goods Administration is mandatory for sponsors (pharmaceutical companies), and strongly encouraged but voluntary for healthcare professionals and consumers. Adverse events should be reported even when causality is uncertain, as reports may contribute to identification of a safety signal for new or uncommon events. Suspected adverse events associated with new medicines and vaccines (registered in the last 5 years), and medicines included in the Black Triangle Scheme, should be prioritised for reporting. For other medicines, serious adverse events and unexpected adverse events should be prioritised. The Therapeutic Goods Administration analyses adverse event reporting data and uses signal detection methods to identify and evaluate emerging safety signals, which may lead to regulatory actions and communication to address safety issues.
Keywords: adverse drug reaction reporting systems; drug-related side effects and adverse reactions; pharmacovigilance; postmarket surveillance.
(c) Therapeutic Guidelines.