Return of Clinically Actionable Pharmacogenetic Results From Molecular Tumor Board DNA Sequencing Data: Workflow and Estimated Costs

Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2025 Jan 9. doi: 10.1002/cpt.3545. Online ahead of print.


Pharmacogenetic testing can prevent severe toxicities from several oncology drug therapies; it also has the potential to improve the outcomes from supportive care drugs. Paired tumor and germline sequencing is increasingly common in oncology practice; these include sequencing of pharmacogenes, but the germline pharmacogenetic variants are rarely included in the clinical reports, despite many being clinically actionable. We established an informatics workflow to evaluate the clinical sequencing results for pharmacogenetic variants. We used the Aldy computational tool, which we have previously shown to determine the variant alleles in 14 pharmacogenes in clinical sequencing data with >99% accuracy, to identify pharmacogenetic variants in the clinical whole exome sequencing from our molecular tumor board. Patients with genetic variants that are clinically actionable for their individual therapy programs, including both treatment and supportive care, are referred to a clinical pharmacogenetics testing laboratory for confirmation. Through an evaluation of our weekly informatics workflow, we determined it took approximately 3.25 hours to complete the analysis of the sequencing data from approximately 20 patients. Using a United States pharmacist's median salary, we estimated the incremental added cost of the process to be only ~$15 per patient. This adds only a minor increase to the patient's cost of testing and has the potential to improve the safety and efficacy of their treatment.