Interest in supporting Federated Learning (FL) using blockchains has grown significantly in recent years. However, restricting access to the trained models only to actively participating nodes remains a challenge even today. To address this concern, we propose a methodology that incentivizes model parameter sharing in an FL setup under Local Differential Privacy (LDP). The nodes that share less obfuscated data under LDP are awarded higher quantum of tokens, which they can later use to obtain session keys for accessing encrypted model parameters updated by the server. If one or more of the nodes do not contribute to the learning process by sharing their data, or share only highly perturbed data, they earn less number of tokens. As a result, such nodes may not be able to read the new global model parameters if required. Local parameter sharing and updating of global parameters are done using the distributed ledger of a permissioned blockchain, namely HyperLedger Fabric (HLF). Being a blockchain-based approach, the risk of a single point of failure is also mitigated. Appropriate chaincodes, which are smart contracts in the HLF framework, have been developed for implementing the proposed methodology. Results of an extensive set of experiments firmly establish the feasibility of our approach.
Keywords: Encrypted model parameter; HyperLedger fabric; federated learning; local differential privacy; session key.