Rationale: Gong's brain acupuncture (GBA) is a acupuncture technique that restores the balance of the central nervous system by stimulating specific acupoints on the skull to transmit stimulation to the nerves. Insomnia during pregnancy is an increasingly concerning issue, and GBA provides new solutions.
Patients concerns: The patient, a 26-year old woman at 26 + 1 weeks of pregnancy, presented with unexplained insomnia for 3 weeks. Her symptoms included difficulty initiating sleep, light sleep, and intermittent wakefulness throughout the night.
Diagnoses: The patient was diagnosed with primary insomnia, scoring 16 on the Pittsburgh sleep quality index, which indicates poor sleep quality. Her self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) score was 49 points, suggesting that she had not yet reached a state of mild anxiety.
Interventions: The patient received 15 sessions of GBA treatment.
Outcomes: One month after treatment completion, the patient's Pittsburgh sleep quality index score improved to 3 points, indicating good sleep quality. Her self-rating anxiety scale score decreased to 39 points.
Lessons: This case report demonstrated the successful treatment of mid pregnancy insomnia with GBA, providing preliminary evidence for further research on the therapeutic potential of GBA. However, further research is still needed to enhance persuasiveness.
Copyright © 2024 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.