The purpose of this study is to evaluate normal left ventricular regional wall motion pattern in order to answer the two following questions: does wall motion change at different levels of the left ventricle from the base to the apex? does wall motion change among different segments at the same level? Seventy-two normal subjects were submitted to a cross sectional echocardiographic examination and the tape recordings were analyzed by a computerized system. Parasternal short axis views at mitral valve and papillary muscles level were chosen and divided by the computer in 16 areas which were fitted to a more anatomical division, i.e. interventricular septum, anterior, lateral, posterior-lateral, inferior-posterior and inferior walls. From each segment, fractional area changes were obtained. Statistical analyses were carried out by the two way analysis of variance and two paired t test. Wall motion pattern of the normal left ventricle is not uniform either at different levels or among segments at the same level: we conclude that regional wall motion differences of the left ventricle are not necessarily due to abnormal conditions, but might be a normal left ventricular pattern.