We have developed a cytogenetic technique that allows observation of chromosome rearrangements associated with TK-/- mutagenesis of the L5178Y/TK+/-3.7.2C cell line early in mutant clonal history. For a series of mutagenic treatments we show that the major proportion (93%) of small-colony (sigma) mutants studied have chromosome 11 rearrangements (the chromosome containing the thymidine kinase gene) while large-colony (lambda) mutants do not have detectable chromosome rearrangements. In addition, we find among the chromosome abnormalities in sigma mutants a significant proportion (34%) with dicentric chromosomes involving chromosome 11. These potentially unstable chromosome rearrangements may help to explain the karyotypic instability and heterogeneity among chromosome 11 aberrations previously noted in sigma mutants when they are analyzed later in their clonal history.