1. A sequence of 73 nucleotides of the RNA genome from coliphage R17 was determined. It can be read through in only one translational frame. The fragment is not part of the coatprotein cistron (Min Jou et al., 1972), nor does it come from the untranslated sequences described previously (Steitz, 1969; Nichols, 1970; Cory et al., 1970; de Wachter et al., 1971; Contreras et al., 1971; Cory et al., 1972). It contains two sequences of 23 and 24 nucleotides, 22 of which are identical. This kind of reiteration is the first one found in bacteriophage nucleic acid. 2. Improved conditions were found and tested for blocking oligonucleotides with carbodi-imide and cleaving by ribonuclease A at cytidylate residues. 3. A synthetic medium is described which allows labelling in vivo with (32)P to give specific radioactivities higher than those obtained in the procedures used previously.