Thirty subjects affected with multiple sclerosis, of which 22 were female and eight male, with an average of 30 +/- 7, years were studied, for a period of 10-15 months,. clinically using Kurtzkes' report form, neurophysiologically (responses tested: VEP, BAEP, SEP, ESG) and immunologically (Rosette Et, Ea, EAC). Of the 30 cases, 19 showed poussées in the last three years and 11 were in the stabilization phase. The Kurtzke reports and the neurophysiological tests permitted an accurate assessment of lesion levels and their rate of evolution. The immunological tests showed a notable ability to differentiate between subjects with recent poussées and those in the stabilization phase presenting overall values significantly below the norm. In the follow-up, after treatments with methisoprinol, the immunological tests also revealed modifications of notable interest.