In the rat hypothalamus, antibodies to ovine CRF41 stain neurons of a paraventriculo-infundibular neuroglandular pathway. CRF like immunoreactivity (CLI)-containing perikarya are mostly packed in the parvocellular division of the paraventricular nucleus. Their morphology and topography differ from that of other peptidergic neurons. However a few CLI perikarya are also stained with vasopressin antibodies. CLI neurons project massively to the external layer of the median eminence (ELME). Adrenalectomy induced a total depletion of ELME CLI 12 to 24 h after surgery, followed by a secondary accumulation already conspicuous 5 days later. This biphasic evolution, identical to that of ELME vasopressin, is totally prevented by a replacement therapy with dexamethasone. Reserpine also induces an acute depletion of ELME CLI and vasopressin, that can be prevented by a monoamine oxidase inhibitor pretreatment. These results indicate the involvement of CLI neurons in the corticotropic axis, suggesting that they are indeed corticoliberin neurons. Among the extrahypothalamic locations of CLI neurons their abundance in the amygdala central nucleus is of interest since it is involved in the corticotropic axis. A similar pattern of CLI was noticed in several mammalian brains and also in lower vertebrates (birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes). Species adaptations of CLI neurons were observed: CLI neurons are of the cerebrospinal fluid contacting type in the turtle. CLI fibres terminate close to corticotrophs in the fish pituitary. This suggests a direct excitosecretory role of CRF on these cells and concurs with a CRF function of CLI peptide even in fishes. CLI processes and terminals appear in the human fetal ELME at the 16th week of development and increase in number during the following weeks. Perikarya are seen at 19 weeks. In the rat CLI fibers and perikarya were detected as early as the 18th day of fetal development. Thus, paraventriculo-infundibular CLI system develops later than corticotrophs. This chronology perfectly concurs with the results of previous physiological and experimental studies.