Thirty-six patients with primary ovarian carcinoma who had 42 second-look procedures performed are reported. Twenty-three patients had no tumor found at the second-look celiotomy and were given no further treatment. Thirteen patients had tumor at the second-look procedure and were continued on therapy. Six patients have died with disease and all had a positive second-look celiotomy. Two patients have died with leukemia but with no evidence of ovarian cancer, one after a negative second-look and the other a negative third-look. No patient with a negative second-look celiotomy has died with disease. A correlation with respect to the findings at the second-look was found with respect to the stage of disease and the amount of residual tumor at the initial surgery. The use of the second-look celiotomy in patients with disease in the early stages and in patients treated with irradiation is discussed, along with the utilization of the laparoscopy.