Medium conditioned by leukocytes in the presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA-LCM) promotes the growth of multilineage hemopoietic progenitors derived from human bone marrow. However, PHA-LCM prepared in the presence of a human leukocyte interferon preparation does not support mixed colony formation. Crude PHA-LCM preparations were characterized by gel filtration, affinity chromatography, and gel electrophoresis. The elution profile on Sephacryl S-300 of PHA-LCM prepared without interferon showed a distinct peak that stimulated the growth of pluripotent stem cells (CFU-gemm) and committed precursors (CFU-c, BFU-e). Gel filtration of PHA-LCM, prepared with 1000 U/ml of interferon, revealed a change in the elution profile. The eluted material demonstrated no growth-promoting activities. We conclude that the abolished stimulatory activity of PHA-LCM, prepared with human leukocyte interferon, might be due to a reduced production of stimulatory molecules, suggesting that interferon interferes with the molecular events required for colony formation of committed and noncommitted hemopoietic progenitors.