Vitamin E is an essential factor to maintain biological membranes stability and its lack may affect membranes structures and reduce erythrocyte life-span. Vitamin E also play a role in the maintenance of a normal platelet aggregation. A.A. studied the effects of a ten days supply of d-1-alpha tocopherol acetate (50 mg/Kg/die) on blood viscosity in 8 rabbits. Results obtained show a significant reduction of blood viscosity on 6th day of treatment in the male rabbits and a progressive reduction of values from the 6th till the 10th day in female rabbits. The most significant decrease of blood viscosity were obtained at the lowest shear-rates, due to an increased red cells deformability to the antioxidative action of vitamin E on the erythrocytes membrane and to a reduced red cells aggregation. Such modifications on the red blood cells caratheristics can be determined by vitamin E through different mechanism: a) inhibiting red cell membrane's polyunsaturable fatty acids oxidation; b) by removal of abnormal lipids from erythrocyte membrane; c) physical and chemical stabilization of membrane's surface.