From January, 1972, until August, 1980, 271 manual coronary endarterectomies with bypass were performed in 263 patients. All patients underwent additional cardiac procedures simultaneously. The group contained 254 distal right and 17 left endarterectomies (including 8 double endarterectomies). Clinical follow-up was 100%, operative mortality was 2.3% (6 out of 263), and the rate of perioperative infarction was 4.9% (13 out of 263). Cineangiography was performed on 72 patients between 1 and 60 months after operation (mean, 15.4 months). Patency was 85% (61 out of 72). Endarterectomy in a dominant right coronary artery could be planned electively. Left coronary endarterectomy was performed only when diffuse disease prevented standard bypass. Coronary endarterectomy may be used to extend operability with excellent clinical results, low perioperative mortality, and high late patency. Careful attention to technical aspects of core removal and myocardial protection are necessary for consistent results.