Newly synthesized Tc-99m dichlorobis(1,2-dimethylphosphino)ethane (DMPE) was investigated as a myocardial imaging agent with respect to its kinetics (dependent on both time and regional coronary blood flow), its percent organ uptake, and its imaging characteristics in the anesthetized dog. Most of these data are compared with those of Tl-201. Blood clearance of the two agents is essentially the same. Compared with Tl-201, Tc-99m DMPE shows faster overall kinetics, higher heart-to-lung ratio, equally good correlation with a wide range of regional blood flows, and higher liver uptake. At the time of peak myocardial uptake, the mean heart uptake of Tl-201 is 4.3%, compared with 2.9% for Tc-99m DMPE, yet only 0.9% uptake of Tc-99m DMPE is found in the lung as compared with 3.3% for Tl-201. These differences result in a heart-to-lung ratio of 2:1 for Tc-99m DMPE and 1:1 for Tl-201, based on the data obtained from the time-activity curve. The quantitative findings are supported by the superior quality of Tc-99m DMPE images of both normal and infarcted dog heart. The high hepatic uptake of Tc-99m DMPE is not a serious problem if images are obtained within 5-60 min after dose. These basic kinetic studies suggest that Tc-99m DMPE is a promising myocardial imaging agent.