Wegener granulomatosis is a necrotizing vasculitis whose target organs are classically the upper and lower respiratory tracts and the kidneys. There has been other end-organ involvement documentation, emphasizing the disseminated nature of this disease, but the literature concerning cardiac involvement is limited. The few case reports and general reviews show that the two most common histologic cardiac manifestations are pericarditis and coronary arteritis, each occurring in 50% of the reported cases. The most frequent clinical manifestation is cardiac arrhythmias that are manifested as supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. We report an unusual cardiac manifestation, a case of complete heart block, occurring during the active stage of Wegener granulomatosis. The problem this case presented and the management are reported. The literature dealing with the cardiac involvement in Wegener granulomatosis is reviewed, and the specific histopathologic findings and the pathophysiologic mechanisms of this involvement are discussed.