Purpose: To assess the efficacy of magnetic resonance (MR) angiography of iliac arteries before and immediately after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA).
Materials and methods: In 14 patients with 22 diseased iliac artery segments (external or common), axial two-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography was performed. Images were reconstructed with a maximum-intensity-projection (MIP) algorithm. MR angiography was performed 1-4 days after diagnostic digital angiography and 6-24 hours after PTA. Findings obtained before and immediately after PTA were compared for number and location of significant (ie, > 50%) stenoses, length and diameter of balloon to be employed, and diameter of the stenotic artery after PTA. Linear regression analysis was performed.
Results: Sensitivity and specificity of MR angiography for determination of significant stenoses were 95% and 97%, respectively. Before PTA, balloon dimensions depicted on MR angiograms and digital angiograms were well correlated (r = .76, P < .05). After PTA, MR angiograms and digital angiograms provided similar findings in all but one case.
Conclusion: MR angiography helped determine if PTA is indicated and depicted iliac artery patency after PTA.