Large amounts of viable merozoites were purified from in vitro cultures of Babesia divergens by a two-step sieving procedure. A monoclonal antibody produced against B. divergens merozoites, mAb DG7, stained the merozoite plasma membrane and an intra-parasitic linear organelle in indirect immunofluorescence. Immunogold labeling in electron microscopy demonstrated that the antigen recognized by mAb DG7 was localized just beneath the merozoite plasma membrane. Immunoprecipitations of metabolically labeled ([35S]methionine) B. divergens antigens showed that the epitope recognized by mAb DG7 was present on a 17-kDa polypeptide (Bd17) and was shared in all B. divergens geographical isolates tested so far. Bd17 was always present in the in vitro culture supernatants of all these isolates. Furthermore, Triton X-114 phase separation of babesial antigens demonstrated the hydrophilic character of Bd17 which suggests that it is an extrinsic protein present on the cytosol side of the parasite membrane. When added to the culture medium, mAb DG7, purified from ascite fluids, drastically altered the growth of the parasite with concentrations inhibiting 50% of development (IC50) ranging between 16.6 and 26.1 micrograms/ml).