Osteosarcoma of the vertebral column (OSV) is a rare tumor which represents 0.85% to 2% of all osteosarcomas. In 95% of the cases they manifest themselves through pains and 80% of other cases through neurological disorders. Usually located on lumbar vertebrae it can also be found on the rest of the vertebral column. Its radiologic aspect is one of lysis in 48% of cases but a condensation can also be met in 27% of cases. The differential diagnosis with an osteoblastoma is difficult and must be left in the hands of the pathologist who bases it on precise criteria (cellular pleomorphism, stroma, presence of giant cells...). The secondary osteosarcoma of the vertebral column represents 30% of all cases of OSV. The heterogeneity of the studies has made it difficult to quantify them. The prognosis of OSV is poor: survival average is of 15.3 months and relative risk of recurrence compared to a femoral lesion is of 3.9 months.