Objective: To investigate the perinatal outcome and obstetric complications of women delivering for the 10th time or more.
Methods: Four hundred twenty women of great grand multiparity were analyzed in a modern health care setting and compared with our general population of obstetric patients, with regard to past history, maternal age, gestational age, mode of delivery, fetal outcome and intercurrent medical/obstetric problems.
Results: The study group showed significantly lower rates of low birth weight infants and instrumental delivery. No significant difference was seen in the incidence of cesarean section, pathologic fetal presentation, maternal hypertension, gestational diabetes, hemorrhage, or perinatal morbidity or mortality. There was a slightly higher incidence of twin births compared with the general population.
Conclusion: It is probable that women capable of reaching their 10th delivery are basically healthy. If offered adequate perinatal care, they are not a high-risk group during subsequent deliveries.